Charles Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution, expressed in his work The Origin Of Species and widely accepted as the process by which life on earth advanced including the weaning out of certain species who could not adapt, has been called in to question after the discovery of the Singha-Le tribe who have been identified as a very inferior species.
The tribe, who are known to lack awareness of diversity and employ primitive means of making their point including shouting and violence, have emerged more vociferous over the last few years as a result of paranoia. Scientists have been tracking the behaviour of the group and spokesperson for the research organisation said, “It’s quite fascinating to observe how the Singha-Le people conduct themselves. They are extremely tribal and are clearly living in the past. They also have a very strong inferiority complex coupled with an undue sense of entitlement. They have also failed a simple colouring in of the national flag correctly, which most five years olds can manage.”
“According to the Theory of Evolution, they should not have survived in to the modern day as they clearly lack the mental capacity to work and adapt within a wider society. It questions whether Darwin was right after all,” he added.
A spokesperson for the Singha-Le campaign said, “What do these scientists know? All they do is science and you can’t measure racism and ignorance through science. If they could we would be off the charts. But they can’t. And they only have categorised only four main blood groups whereas we know that we have Lion’s blood. So much for science.”