Army Complains Of Lack Of Funding To Give New Recruits Appropriate Uniforms

DahamdThe Sri Lanka Army today complained that the Government was not providing enough funding to maintain the upkeep of the forces which has resulted, among other things, in the acute shortage of uniforms forcing one new recruit to turn up to a photo opportunity in casual attire.

At a recent press conference, a spokesman for the Armed Forces said “This is a real problem for our new cadets and it looks like this is going to be the fate of the Forces – going to war in jeans and slippers. At least, after a hard days work they won’t have to change their clothes in order to go and blow off some steam.”

The Minister of Defence, who was shown the photo, said, “This new recruit comes from a respected family and should not be picked on for his attire. I know his family very well and this is how they dress. Why, even his father went to the UN General Assembly in New York last year and could not be bothered to tuck his shirt in. So this is a genetic issue. Anyway, this boy’s father obviously loves him so should be no allegations of nepotism levelled against him.”

In a related story, the Navy are looking to follow suit and have placed an order for several thousand Speedos to be issued to all Naval Officers.

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