Foreign NGO ‘UNFAIR’ (UN of Foreigners Against Innocent Rajapakses) Behind Arrest Says MR

MR3Former President Mahinda Rajapakse today accused foreign NGOs, specifically the United Nation of Foreigners Against Innocent Rajapakes, commonly known as UNFAIR to be behind the arrest of his son Yoshitha, who is currently in remand having had a nice home cooked meal this afternoon.

Speaking ahead of Independence Day, Mr Rajapakse said, “We were never unfair to anyone when we were in power and we never sought political revenge. Of course, we sought retribution against some people but remember it wasn’t political revenge as that is a synonym. This is totally unfair that UNFAIR are getting involved in this issue. This is a matter relating to a TV channel and as such the only foreign entity we consider competent to investigate this is Netflix as they are an authority on content. Or maybe Sky Sports considering it is a sports channel. But this is a local matter and they should actually ask me about this.”

“When I was in power I never needed the help of any foreigners in matters relating to the country. You may say ‘What about China?’, but they were not going to be foreigners for very long as they were considering buying Sri Lanka just before I got ousted. I was very close to agreeing that fried rice be our national dish.” he added.

Mr Rajapakse has also expressed his disappointment as not being able to turn down an invitation to the Independence Day celebrations after being told he wasn’t being invited in the first place. In retaliation, he said that he would not be inviting Ranil Wickremasinghe to his next party (pun intended).

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