Government Mulls Proposal To Create Dedicated Lane For Protesters

SL ProtestThe Government today announced that while is it likely to reject a request by the Hazardous Bus Driver’s Association for a separate lane, it would consider creating the same for protesters so that they could continue to moan about stuff in vast numbers without out causing any major roadblocks.

Protesters, who have overtaken ‘people who think they are Usain Bolt when crossing the road’ into third place in the list of main causes for traffic in Colombo, have said they are going to meet the government to discuss the proposals but have several reservations. The head of communication of the association of protesters held up a sign that said, “Protesting is meant to disrupt and make sure the public are aware of the hardships that we have to go through, like trying to buy a car duty-free or benefiting from free education. If we are given a separate lane to protest on we can’t guarantee that we will stick to it and might weave around.”

Meanwhile, a number of hard working middle-class people who have no access to duty-free permits and whose dreams of owning a car have been made harder under the new budget have decided not to strike and just get on with it.

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