Joint Opposition Tell Media Not To Use Term “Good” Governance As It Portrays Govt In False Light

Newsw 2Following the missive issued by the Media Ministry to the media warning them against the use of the term “Joint Opposition” as it could be considering unethical and illegal, the Joint Opposition has itself issued a missive asking the media from refrain from using the term “Good”  when referring to the ruling party’s governance for the same reasons.

A statement issued by the group said, “We are very disappointed that the Government has been issuing directives about how we as a group should be referred to. They say there is media freedom but it appears that the media is only free to do what the Government tell them to do. Of course, we acted like that when we were in power the only difference is we never said that there was media freedom.  We made sure we were portrayed in a good light or we threatened journalists in private. But we never had to stoop so low as to issue public statements.”

“As a result of this action we have decided to rebrand ourselves as the “United Opponents”, and we hope this clears up any confusion that arose from the term “Joint Opposition” as they are completely different and we didn’t use a thesaurus to come up with the name. We also would like to ask the media to refrain from using the term “Good” when referring to the manner in which the Government conducts itself. So far there has been nothing good about it and it is unethical and potentially illegal to use that term. Specifically don’t use it when referring to Ravi.” the statement added.

The Government’s stance against Joint Opposition has also caused confusion amongst the Rastafarian community in Sri Lanka.

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