Govt Investigate Installing Trump’s Golden Showers Across SL, As Water Board Predicts Drought

TrumpA spokesman for the Government said that plans were underway to install Trump’s Golden Showers across the country following the warning from the Water Board that severe drought conditions would affect the nation in the coming months.

A spokesman from the Presidential Secretariat said, “We heard about a new type bathroom installation called a Golden Shower that has been used very successfully by Donald Trump which involved no water but provided him with relief. So we have sent a group of plumbers to investigate the possibility of importing and fixing these showers in place of existing water outlets. It’s both a way to conserve existing water and will help us improve our standing in the recycling community.”

President-elect Trump said “Number 1 – this is false news. And I didn’t do number 2. I have a fetish for all things gold. I’m like Midas. Have you seen my tower Vegas? This is why I also decided to get some golden showers in my private bathrooms. I had to escort a few people in to help with this.  It created such a splash and I hope it will help the people of Sri Lanka as well. As they say over there, this is a ‘Chooti problem.’”

The government are also looking to the possibility of downloading water from the internet.

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