Aliens Hover But Refuse To Land In SL Due To Chaotic Departure Check-In And Immigration At Airport

alienA bunch of Aliens said that while they were keen on visiting Sri Lanka during their exploration of Planet earth, they were deterred after hearing about the disorganised immigration counters and lengthy check in when departing the country.

One Alien said, “Initially we were struggling to find a place to land our spacecraft but after passing through Hambanthota we discovered 15,000 acres which has been earmarked for the Chinese. As we were manufactured by the Chinese, like everything else on the planet, we contacted them and asked if we can park on their property as it is currently disused. They were fine with it but while one of my colleagues was scrolling Facebook, they saw several posts about the distress people faced when trying to depart the country which deterred us.”

“In case you were not sure, we too use Facebook cause it’s not like we are super productive or anything. We also need to waste time following the pointless lives of other people. However, one of the benefits is by following the right aliens, we discover new galaxies. But on the downside, we need to keep wishing aliens who we don’t really know that well on their Birthdays,” the alien added.

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka’s attempts to deport Justice Minister Widjedasa proved unsuccessful after failing to show any intelligence during his alien interrogation.

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