Experts Say To Avoid Future Disasters, Remember 3 Rs of Refuse: Rajapakses, Ranil and Ranatungas

rrrA team of Japanese scientists who visited the country and assessed the damage at the Meethotamulla dumping site advised the public that in order to prevent the spread of garbage across the island that the 3Rs of politics needed to be dumped, namely Rajapakses, Ranil and Ranatungas.

One of the scientists said, “We have conducted a detailed investigation and it is apparent the three leading causes of issues in the country stem from the 3 Rs. Rajapakse created a lot of problems although it seems to have slowed down a bit. However, behind the scenes, we believe they are playing their hand to cause disruption. Ranil is currently creating issues. And all along both timelines, the Ranathunga family have been trying to fuck things up. And they are impossible to get out. Unless it’s Arjuna who you can run out.”

“We advise anyone who encounters them to immediately wear ear plugs to prevent brain contamination and keeping the bigus fibus virus from spreading. The public should also wash off their clothes in bleach immediately and get the politicians to wash their mouth with soap for all the lies they tell,” the scientist added.


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