Mayweather v McGregor Confirmed As Undercard To Ranatunga v Sangakkara

sanga-vs-arjuna-696x464The promoters who teased boxing enthusiasts by squaring up Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor at a press conference earlier this week have said that say that fans are in for an even bigger spectacle after announcing that the main fight on the night will take place between Arjuna Ranatunga and Kumar Sangakkara.

One of the promoters said, “What has been billed as ‘The Money Fight’ between and Floyd and Connor will only end up being a shadow to ‘The Accusation Sensation’ when the former Sri Lanka cricket captains enter the ring. This will be one of the first cross weight division fights with Ranatunga normally contesting in the ‘I need a runner’ category while Sangakkara is the current champion in the ‘90% of my weight is my accent’ class.”

Arjuna Ranatunga said, “It will be very easy to land some serious blows to especially to Kumar’s reputation because I know certain things that will leave him exposed. Now that I am a politician I am permitted to deliver blows below the belt and as I don’t need one, Sanga won’t be able to retaliate. The pads are now off, so it might get a bit dirty.”

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