Office Peons To Go On Strike After Workers Demand Less Sugar In Tea

Milk TeaThe Association of Office Peons today announced that it would be staging a one day strike next week to protest against the increasing requests for reduced sugar tea by office workers across the country.

In a press conference held this afternoon the chairman of the union, Cee Nee Wediwala, said “Sri Lankans have been drinking extra sugar tea for decades and our Peoans have worked hard to ensure that the nation’s waistline expands. But now a lot of people have begun to ask for tea without sugar. This will lead to Peoans being accused of not doing a key part of their job.  And what does Government expect our members to do with the 7 minutes of time saved adding sugar and stirring the tea? Of course one option would be to add the time to their daily gossip time limit and bring it up to 6 hours and 17 minutes per day.”

“Next thing you know people will be want flavoured tea. One of members complained to us that he was sexually harassed when the CEO called and asked for a ‘Darjeeling’. After conducting an investigation we cleared up the matter as a miscommunication and explained to him that the said CEO was not trying to hit on him.” he added

The Peoans said that they would halt their strike action next week at 10.10am and then 4.30pm for tea.

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