Sri Lankan rap artist and part time political campaigner Iraj yesterday revealed that he has been inspired by self promoting celebrity ‘talk before I think’ artist, Kanye West to harbour his own political ambitions of becoming the next President of Sri Lanka.
Iraj, who once waxed lyrical about the former President but had to do an overnight clean-up of his Facebook posts that out did Gota’s pre CHOGM clean-up of Colombo, has said that music artists all over the world are making in-roads in to being the people that the public are beginning to hate so it is natural that they should want to enter politics. ‘Kanye is going to be a great US president – he is both as popular and unpopular as Donald Trump and so it is a natural progression. The only thing is that he will have to get extra security detail to protect him from cops who might want to shoot him.”
Iraj admitted that his campaigning skills needed some work after his previous effort of drumming up support for MR went down like a rap battle between Robbie Williams and Chris Martin.
He has indicated that he will campaign under the name Ieezus.