Red Bull gives Sri Lanka Airlines Wings

WING The Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines today unveiled a major cost-cutting initiative aimed at reducing the “colosses” at the Airline by signing up Red Bull to provide wings to the entire fleet of air crafts.  The new deal which commences in March of this year could shake up the entire aviation industry resulting in a Red Bull flavoured fizz in the air. It is also a major coup for the Chairman of Sri Lanka who had at one point was robbed of personal time due to the pressures of the role.

Speaking to the press, the Chairman stated ‘we put out the tender for wings in the middle of last year and after a rigorous selection process we decided to award the contract to Red Bull as they claim they provided wings at a very competitive cost. Previously we were paying in excess of 5 million rupees per wing, but a can of Red Bull only costs Rs. 250 (or Rs 1000 at  Amuseum) so the cost efficiencies were so great we could not ignore them.’

Amongst other bidders were Rolls Royce and Airbus but they were rejected in early rounds. The final 2 candidates we looked at were Red Bull and


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